Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Post 2.

So I'm trying to figure out what to eat. I need to stop waiting until I'm starving to eat. Cuz then I just eat whatever is easy, instead of what I should be eating. So, I'm off to try to find food....

Ok, for lunch I am having..

Stouffer's mac and cheese. Comes in at 850 cal total. I was gonna eat a mango with it, but the mango was not ripe. Dang it. *crys*

Cool, I can post pics!!

I guess I need to do before and after pics, as well as measurements hu? I will work on that as soon as I get little e down for a nap.

So I ended up making pork chops, and broccoli (with two slices of garlic bread for me, no one lese here heats the stuff) for dinner. Turned out REALLY good!


Laura said...
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Rebecca Gordon said...

oooo your lunch looks yummy. It's 4:30 here and I haven't been able to eat all day, now I gotta go figure out what to cook for dinner!